Bomb It 5

Bomb it 5 is the fifth sequel of the bomb it series of games available to users through their PC. This fun and interactive game is suitable for all and can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. You get to choose your own avatar when you begin the game. There is one avatar there to suit everyone.

You have to work your way through the maze getting through obstacles and enemies that are in your path. The game allows users to accrue bonus points by picking up extra tokens once you have removed an obstacle in your path. You can use the arrow buttons on your keyboard to navigate your avatar through the game and detonate bombs to destroy your enemies in order to make your way through the maze.

>> Click Here To Play Bomb It 5 <<


Remember the more points you get, the better dressed you can make your avatar!
You will come across obstacles in your path that need to be removed. How do you do this? By bombing them of course! The same goes for your enemies. If they are in your way it is time to bomb them before they get you. It is available for one or two players. So if you want a new challenge or want to beat your friends, give bomb it 5 a go.


You can choose to play this game with one or two players giving you the option to choose your own avatar and difficulty level. You can also decide on the number of enemies you would like to conquer. It is an easy to use menu as all you need to do to commence game is to select ‘start game’. It also provides a ‘how to play’ option which includes information on the keys to use to detonate bombs and arrows to use to move your avatar. You can turn the volume down or off using you computers sound settings.


The space bar detonates the bombs so you can navigate through the maze. Be careful not to stay next to bomb when it goes off or that will be the end of the game. The arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to navigate your avatar around the game.

>> Click Here To Play Bomb It 5 <<



The objective of this game is to work your way through the maze removing any obstacles in your way (through bombing) and bombing any enemies that are in your way before they bomb you. You have to be quick to get out of the way of those bombs or they could get you too!


There are 4 different levels each with 5 levels within each section. As you progress through the game each level and section gets progressively harder. As you continue playing the game you pick up bonuses which increase your score, and the more you play the better you will progress and hopefully eventually reach the final level. It may be worth sticking to the easy levels at first so you can get used to the controls and improve your skills before progressing to the more difficult versions.

Happy Bombing!

See you at the end!

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